How To Cite A Chapter In A Book Apa Style


    How To Cite A Book Apa 7Th Ed How To Cite A Chapter In A Book Apa
    How To Cite A Book Apa 7Th Ed How To Cite A Chapter In A Book Apa from


    Citing sources is an essential part of academic writing. It helps to give credit to the original authors and avoids plagiarism. APA (American Psychological Association) style is a commonly used citation style in social sciences, including psychology, education, and sociology. In this article, we will discuss how to cite a chapter in a book APA style.

    APA Citation Style

    APA citation style requires the author's name, publication year, title, and publication information. The citation format varies depending on the source type. When citing a chapter in a book, the citation format is slightly different than citing a whole book.

    Citing a Chapter in a Book in-text

    When citing a chapter in a book in-text, you should include the author's name and the publication year, separated by a comma. For example, (Smith, 2023).

    Citing a Chapter in a Book in the Reference List

    When citing a chapter in a book in the reference list, you should include the following information: - Author's last name and first initial - Year of publication - Chapter title - Book title - Editor's name (if applicable) - Page numbers of the chapter - Publisher's name and location The citation format for a chapter in a book is as follows: Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Chapter title. In B. B. Editor (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher's Name. For example: Smith, J. D. (2023). The effects of social media on mental health. In K. L. Brown (Ed.), The Psychology of Social Media (pp. 67-89). Springer.


    In conclusion, citing a chapter in a book APA style requires the author's name, publication year, title, and publication information. The citation format for a chapter in a book is slightly different than citing a whole book. By following the APA citation style, you can avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original authors.

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