Info A serene Norwegian space in monochrome and nudes

It's the weekend - woooop! But before we all shoot off, let's head to Norway for today's home tour. This space belongs to Nina Holst of previous home was so fab and included this famous walk-in-wardrobe, I've been eagerly awaiting to see what she was going to do with the new pad. And it certainly doesn't disappoint! Nina has stuck to her signature black, white and nude colour scheme and played with the beautiful light. All the shots of this serene, minimalist home have been taken by Nina, and she's also a talented artist (this is her this office) and store owner. Are there no end to this busy girls talents?

Homeowner & Photography: Nina Holst

What a serene space - oh how I'd love to be sitting in the egg lounge chair looking out over the snow covered hills right now, how about you?!

So many pieces I know and love including: the wishbone chairs, Norm 69 pendant light and white Panthella floor lamp, AJ desk and floor AJ floor lamp, DLM table, white desk lamp, Design House Stockholm Björk rug in bedroom, Tom Dixon etch tea light holder, By Lassen kubus candle holder and vase with brass neck from H&M (sadly sold out - trust me I've been looking everywhere!).

Is there anything that stands out to you?

If you like this colous scheme you'll also love this  office space and home tour in the same monochrome and nude. Definitely my colours of the moment!

Any plans for the weekend? I think I'm going to sleep (I feel soooo tired!) but I'm also planning for a VIP visit from my ma and pa from London next week - sooo excited!

Before I shoot off - I'd like to to introduce you to a returning sponsor - oh so lovely handmade jewellery shop Studio Cosette. Safe to say, I pretty much love every piece Fai makes. But if I had to choose just two pieces I'd go for these earrings and the halo necklace (this is not a hint...honest!).

Have a great weekend and see you Monday!


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