How To Get An Order Of Protection Dismissed

How To Get An Order Of Protection Dismissed In Illinois Tokoqta
How To Get An Order Of Protection Dismissed In Illinois Tokoqta from


In some situations, a person may file for an order of protection against you. This court order is meant to protect the person from harm or harassment. However, if you believe that the order is unjust or unnecessary, it is possible to get it dismissed. In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to get an order of protection dismissed.

Step 1: Understand the Order of Protection

The first step is to read and understand the terms of the order of protection. This will help you determine what actions you are prohibited from doing and what actions are allowed. It is important to follow the terms of the order of protection while you are trying to get it dismissed.

Step 2: Consult an Attorney

It is highly recommended that you consult with an attorney who has experience in handling order of protection cases. An attorney will be able to advise you on the best course of action and can represent you in court.

Step 3: Gather Evidence

You will need to gather evidence that supports your claim that the order of protection is unnecessary or unjust. This may include witness statements, text messages, emails, or other forms of communication that show that you did not commit the alleged act or that the alleged victim is lying.

Step 4: File a Motion to Dismiss

Your attorney can file a motion to dismiss the order of protection on your behalf. The motion should include the evidence that you have gathered and the legal reasons why the order should be dismissed. The court will then set a hearing date to review the motion.

Step 5: Attend the Hearing

You and your attorney will need to attend the hearing to present your case to the judge. You will have the opportunity to present your evidence and argue why the order of protection should be dismissed. The alleged victim will also have the opportunity to present their case to the judge.

Step 6: Wait for the Judge’s Decision

After the hearing, the judge will review the evidence and make a decision on whether to dismiss the order of protection. If the judge decides to dismiss the order, it will no longer be in effect. If the judge upholds the order, it will remain in effect and you will need to follow the terms of the order.


Getting an order of protection dismissed can be a difficult and complicated process. It is important to follow the legal procedures and gather evidence to support your case. Consulting with an experienced attorney can make the process easier and increase your chances of success. Remember to always follow the terms of the order of protection while you are trying to get it dismissed.

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