How To Lay Artificial Turf In 2023

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If you're tired of maintaining a natural lawn, artificial turf might be the ideal solution for you. It's low-maintenance, looks great, and lasts for years. Laying artificial turf is easy, and you can do it in a weekend with the right tools and materials. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of laying artificial turf step-by-step.

Step 1: Measure the Area

The first step is to measure the area where you want to lay artificial turf. Measure the length and width of the area, and multiply the two numbers to get the total square footage. Add about 5% extra to the total square footage to account for waste.

Step 2: Clear the Area

Remove any existing grass, rocks, or debris from the area where you want to lay artificial turf. Make sure the area is level and has good drainage. If necessary, add soil or sand to level the area.

Step 3: Lay the Base

Lay a 2-3 inch layer of crushed stone or gravel on the area. Compact the base using a plate compactor or hand tamper. Make sure the base is level and has good drainage.

Step 4: Add a Weed Barrier

Lay a weed barrier over the base. This will prevent weeds from growing through the artificial turf. Make sure the weed barrier covers the entire area and overlaps at least 6 inches.

Step 5: Lay the Artificial Turf

Roll out the artificial turf over the weed barrier. Cut the turf to fit the area using a utility knife. Leave a few inches of extra turf around the edges. Make sure the turf is laid straight and smooth.

Step 6: Join the Seams

If you have more than one piece of artificial turf, join the seams using seam tape and glue. Make sure the seams are tight and smooth.

Step 7: Trim the Edges

Trim the excess turf around the edges using a utility knife. Make sure the edges are straight and smooth.

Step 8: Add Infill

Spread infill over the artificial turf. Infill is a material that helps the turf stand up and look more natural. Spread the infill evenly using a push broom or a power broom.

Step 9: Brush the Turf

Brush the turf using a stiff bristle broom. This will help the infill settle and create a more natural look.

Step 10: Enjoy Your New Artificial Lawn

Congratulations! You've successfully laid your artificial turf. Now it's time to sit back and enjoy your new low-maintenance lawn.


Laying artificial turf is an easy and cost-effective way to achieve a beautiful and low-maintenance lawn. By following these simple steps, you can have a new lawn in just a weekend. Remember to measure the area, clear the area, lay the base, add a weed barrier, lay the artificial turf, join the seams, trim the edges, add infill, and brush the turf. With a little effort, you can enjoy a beautiful lawn without all the hassle of maintaining a natural one.

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