How To Rebase Branch With Master: A Comprehensive Guide

How to update feature branch from master in Git On software development
How to update feature branch from master in Git On software development from


When working on a project with multiple contributors, it's essential to have a clear understanding of version control. Git is a popular version control system that allows developers to work collaboratively on a project. One of the most critical aspects of Git is branching, which enables developers to work on different features or fixes independently. However, when multiple branches are created, it becomes necessary to merge them with the master branch. In this article, we'll explore how to rebase a branch with the master and the best practices to follow.

What is Rebase?

Rebasing is a Git command that allows you to apply the changes in one branch onto another branch. It replays the changes from the source branch onto the target branch and creates a linear sequence of commits. Rebasing is different from merging because it doesn't create a new merge commit. Instead, it integrates the changes from one branch onto another branch as if they were made sequentially.

Step-by-Step Guide to Rebasing a Branch with Master

Here are the steps to rebase a branch with the master:

Step 1: Checkout the Branch to be Rebased

Before rebasing, you need to make sure that you're on the branch that you want to rebase. To check out the branch, use the following command:

git checkout

Step 2: Fetch the Latest Changes from the Remote Repository

It's essential to fetch the latest changes from the remote repository before rebasing. To fetch the changes, use the following command:

git fetch

Step 3: Rebase the Branch with the Master

Once you've checked out the branch and fetched the latest changes, you can rebase the branch with the master using the following command:

git rebase master

This command replays the changes from the master branch onto the current branch. If there are any conflicts, Git will pause the rebase process and prompt you to resolve them.

Step 4: Resolve Conflicts

If there are conflicts during the rebase process, you need to resolve them before continuing. Git will pause the rebase process and prompt you to resolve the conflicts. To resolve conflicts, open the files with conflicts and edit them manually. Once you've resolved the conflicts, add the changes to the staging area using the following command:

git add

After adding the changes, continue the rebase by using the following command:

git rebase --continue

Step 5: Push the Changes to the Remote Repository

Once the rebase process is complete, you need to push the changes to the remote repository using the following command:

git push --force

The force flag is necessary when rebasing because it rewrites the commit history. It's essential to communicate with your team before using the force flag to avoid any conflicts.

Best Practices for Rebasing

Here are some best practices to follow when rebasing:
  • Rebase frequently to avoid conflicts.
  • Communicate with your team before rebasing to avoid conflicts.
  • Resolve conflicts as soon as possible to avoid delays.
  • Use the interactive rebase feature to squash commits and keep the commit history clean.


Rebasing is a powerful Git command that allows you to integrate changes from one branch onto another branch without creating a new merge commit. It's essential to follow best practices to avoid conflicts and keep the commit history clean. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can rebase a branch with the master and work collaboratively on a project with multiple contributors.

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