For You Lot Norris Bird No 17 - Refurbishment

I bought this rare Norris No 17 on eastward Bay recently, it has a few issues but was a bargain.
I've refurbished lots of planes over the years in addition to hence I've learnt what I'm capable of repairing in addition to also roughly how long it volition take.

The commencement result was the front end bun which had been crudely repaired in addition to non shaped accurately, every bit yous tin come across with an No ii which shows the right profile.

The spur had also been replaced, in 1 lawsuit again the repair was clearly visible in addition to the cast was incorrect.
The big wages of both these repairs was that they were also big in addition to hence I was hopeful that they could merely hold out re shaped in addition to refinished.

First labor was to brand a plywood template of the front, I've no incertitude that the craftsman at Norris also used templates inwards their twenty-four hours for a repeatable profile.

I applied masking record to brand the shaping slow to see.

I removed a chunk of woods carefully on the band saw to acquire a perfectly apartment reference on top.
It was hither I was relieved to uncovering the repair had been done with rosewood rather than a stained hardwood.

Rasps made fast operate of the shaping followed past times sanding through to 320 grit. I was reminded of why rosewood got its name, non the colouring cloth but the odour given off when it's worked.

To darken downward the rosewood to tally the original, I used powdered spirit stains (lamp dark in addition to burnt umber) inwards a modest sum of penetrating oil. This would acquire the terminal complete later.

I used the same method to grade out the spur for re shaping. However in 1 lawsuit I started using the rasps it was clear that the pilus crevice inwards the cause got needed around attending first, every bit I could experience movement. Thankfully the crevice hadn't been glued inwards the past times in addition to hence I was able to force inwards around epoxy resin (also with stain added) in addition to firmly clamp the cause got together. This volition orbit a real rigid repair in addition to hopefully an invisible one. I demand to exit good solitary until tomorrow.

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