Info Crisp white, greys and floaty linen in a bloggers home

Loving this pared-back space with crisp white walls, monochrome palette, fresh linen, macrame wall hangings and art photography. The shots have been taken in the lovely home of Bianca Wippe of one of my favourite blogs (my) unfinished home. Captured for a new store S2 20 - selling Nordic Homewares (we like). I love it when a plan comes together, don't you?!

Photography: The Design Chaser

What do you think, is this your kind of style?

Many of the beautiful items can be found at S2 20. Congratulations to Hege in France for the launch of your fab shop (althought this could get dangerous!).

Other black and white / monochrome home inspiration include this simply beautiful Finnish home,  a fabulous small Swedish space, and a relaxed danish home (love the bike on the wall).

Have a wonderful day!


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