How To Charge Gopro: A Complete Guide

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If you're a proud owner of a GoPro camera, you know it's one of the best action cameras out there. But, with great features come great responsibilities, and one of them is keeping the battery charged. In this article, we'll show you how to charge GoPro cameras in different ways.

Charging via USB Cable

The most common way to charge a GoPro is by using the USB cable that comes with the camera. Simply plug one end of the cable into the camera and the other end into a computer or a wall adapter. The camera will start charging immediately. When the battery is fully charged, the camera will stop charging automatically.

Charging via Wall Adapter

If you want to charge your GoPro faster, you can use a wall adapter. Make sure the wall adapter you use is compatible with your camera. You can find this information on the camera's user manual or on the GoPro website. Plug the USB cable into the wall adapter and the camera, and the charging process will begin.

Charging via Power Bank

If you're on the go and don't have access to a wall adapter or a computer, you can charge your GoPro using a power bank. Make sure the power bank you use is compatible with your camera and has enough power to charge it. Connect the USB cable from the power bank to the camera, and the charging process will start.

Charging Tips

Here are some tips to make sure your GoPro charges quickly and efficiently:

  • Use the original GoPro charging cable and wall adapter.
  • Keep the camera and the charging cable clean and dry.
  • Don't charge your GoPro in extreme temperatures (below 0°C/32°F or above 45°C/113°F).
  • Don't leave your GoPro charging overnight or unattended.
  • Disconnect the camera from the charger once it's fully charged.


Charging your GoPro camera is essential to keep it running and capture your adventures. Whether you choose to charge via USB cable, wall adapter, or power bank, make sure you follow the tips above to ensure your camera charges safely and efficiently.


Q: How long does it take to charge a GoPro?

A: It depends on the camera model and the charging method. On average, it takes around 2-3 hours to fully charge a GoPro using a wall adapter or a computer, and around 4-6 hours using a power bank.

Q: Can I use a different USB cable to charge my GoPro?

A: It's best to use the original GoPro charging cable to ensure compatibility and safety. However, if you need to use a different cable, make sure it's a high-quality cable that can handle the charging current required by your camera.

Q: Can I charge my GoPro while recording?

A: Yes, you can charge your GoPro while recording, but it may affect the battery life and the recording time. It's best to stop recording while charging to ensure the camera charges faster and the battery lasts longer.

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