How To Make Charcoal: A Complete Guide

Making Charcoal at Home. Free DIY Fuel YouTube
Making Charcoal at Home. Free DIY Fuel YouTube from


Charcoal is a popular fuel source used for cooking, heating, and other applications. While many people buy charcoal from supermarkets, it's possible to make your own charcoal at home using simple materials and tools. In this article, we'll show you how to make charcoal step by step.

Materials Required

To make charcoal, you'll need the following materials:
  • Hardwood (such as oak or maple)
  • Steel drum with a lid
  • Drill with a 1-inch bit
  • Burlap or old clothes
  • Matches or lighter

The Process

Here are the steps to make charcoal:

Step 1: Collect Hardwood

The first step is to collect hardwood. Hardwood is the best material for making charcoal because it burns hot and slow. You can use any hardwood, but oak and maple are the most popular.

Step 2: Cut the Wood into Small Pieces

Next, you need to cut the wood into small pieces that will fit inside the steel drum. You can use a saw or an ax to cut the wood.

Step 3: Drill Holes in the Steel Drum

After cutting the wood, you need to drill holes in the steel drum. Use a drill with a 1-inch bit to create holes around the bottom of the drum. These holes will allow air to flow into the drum and start the burning process.

Step 4: Create the Charcoal Pile

Now it's time to create the charcoal pile. Place the hardwood pieces inside the drum and stack them in a pyramid shape. You can use burlap or old clothes to cover the wood pile. This will help the wood catch fire easier.

Step 5: Light the Fire

With the wood pile ready, it's time to light the fire. Use matches or a lighter to ignite the burlap or clothes. Once the fire starts, close the lid of the drum to restrict the oxygen supply. The wood will start to burn and turn into charcoal.

Step 6: Wait for the Charcoal to Cool Down

After two to three hours, the wood should be completely burned and turned into charcoal. Wait for the drum to cool down before opening the lid. You now have homemade charcoal ready to use.

Tips for Making Charcoal

Here are some tips to keep in mind when making charcoal:
  • Use hardwood only, as softwood contains too much resin and won't burn properly.
  • Make sure the wood pile is covered with burlap or clothes to help the wood catch fire.
  • Use a steel drum with a tight-fitting lid to restrict the oxygen supply and create the right conditions for charcoal creation.
  • Don't open the lid while the wood is burning. This will let in oxygen and disrupt the burning process.
  • Wait for the drum to cool down before opening the lid to avoid getting burned.


Making your own charcoal is a fun and easy process that can save you money and provide you with a reliable source of fuel. By following the steps outlined in this article and keeping our tips in mind, you can create high-quality charcoal at home with minimal effort.

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