How To Crop Photos On Mac In 2023

How To Crop Photos On Mac
How To Crop Photos On Mac from

The Importance of Cropping Photos

Whether you want to remove unwanted elements from a photo or highlight a specific subject, cropping is an essential tool for any photographer. Cropping allows you to adjust the composition of a photo, making it more visually appealing and engaging. In this article, we'll explore how to crop photos on Mac with ease.

Using the Photos App

Step 1: Open the Photos App

To crop a photo on Mac, you'll need to use the Photos app, which is pre-installed on all Mac computers. Open the app and select the photo you want to crop.

Step 2: Click on the Crop Tool

Once you have your photo selected, click on the Crop tool located in the top right corner of the app. This will bring up a grid over your photo, indicating where you can crop it.

Step 3: Adjust the Crop

Click and drag the edges of the grid to adjust the crop. You can also move the entire grid around by clicking and dragging it. Once you're happy with the crop, click on the Done button located in the top right corner of the app.

Using Preview

Step 1: Open the Photo in Preview

If you prefer to use Preview to crop your photos, open the app and select the photo you want to crop.

Step 2: Click on the Crop Tool

Click on the Crop tool located in the top right corner of the app. This will bring up a grid over your photo, indicating where you can crop it.

Step 3: Adjust the Crop

Click and drag the edges of the grid to adjust the crop. You can also move the entire grid around by clicking and dragging it. Once you're happy with the crop, click on the File menu and select Save or Save As to save your newly cropped photo.

Final Thoughts

Cropping photos on Mac is a simple and easy process that can help you create stunning visuals. Whether you're a professional photographer or just looking to enhance your personal photos, learning how to crop photos on Mac is a skill worth mastering. With the steps outlined in this article, you'll be able to crop photos like a pro in no time.

Tips for Better Cropping

When cropping photos, it's important to consider the composition and balance of the image. Pay attention to the rule of thirds, which suggests that photos are more visually appealing when subjects are placed off-center. Additionally, try to maintain the aspect ratio of the original photo to avoid distortion. Finally, experiment with different cropping techniques to find the best one for your photo.


Cropping photos on Mac is a valuable skill that can take your photos to the next level. Whether you're using the Photos app or Preview, the steps are simple and easy to follow. With a little practice and experimentation, you'll be cropping photos like a pro in no time.

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