For You Lot Useful Mitt Airplane Jigs.

The course of report I'm taking at West Dean College this weekend is concentrating on the purpose of criterion bench planes rather than the wooden ones I make, hence I idea it would live on expert to brand a yoke of handy attachments. The outset is this 'hot dog' which makes prolonged shooting board run much to a greater extent than comfortable, I know Alan Peters used to purpose something similar.
The grip is made of a solid slice of maple together with the angled slot is cutting amongst a mitt saw together with cleaned out amongst chisels for a tight fit. It buts upward against the backside of the frog for extra stability.

The adjacent jig is this ninety marking debate which is groovy for planing the edges of  boards dead apartment together with foursquare for perfect border jointing. If you lot desire to seeing the regulation inwards activity run into my You Tube video
The conventional method, described past times numerous teachers, uses the pollex together with forefinger equally a debate together with involves checking all along the border amongst a square and making diverse judicious adjustment until things are equally unopen equally you lot tin larn them to square together with even. This is together with hence repeated on the other board together with if you lot are lucky all goes together well. This may live on a good, if long winded, practise inwards airplane command but it's neither efficient nor that accurate. H5N1 side debate volition ensure a perfect gibe equally good as yielding a board which is apartment together with requires really piddling construct clean up. 

My debate is shaped to gibe a Stanley no6, but later on making I institute it likewise fits the other Stanley bench planes equally good (Bedrocks excluded). It is made amongst 18mm multi ply amongst an 18mm similar a shot slice on the bottom together with a shaped 6mm slice glued to the transcend edge. Three rigid 20mm magnets concur it firm.

Here's the airplane fix cook for purpose (right handed) together with it does a really dainty job.
Below you lot tin run into it against the Veritas version (with an added fence), this has a tendency to motion nether sideways pressure level which is non good. The version they brand for their jointing airplane is screwed on which is much better, although you lot accept to purchase the airplane equally well! The extra length of mine makes it easier to purpose together with the to a greater extent than powerful together with to a greater extent than numerous magnets concur things stone solid.

Edge jointing from the airplane using this method gives you lot a perfect articulation amongst maximum forcefulness together with no visible gum lines. This is 1 jig good worth making!

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