For Y'all Shooting Board Airplane Inward Lignum Vitae

I bring been thinking most making a dedicated shooting board bird for about time, a bird to travel used for long equally good equally cross grain. The planes to a higher house were acquired some fourth dimension agone from students of James Krenov in addition to the ane at the dorsum was peculiarly comfortable used on its side. It was made from maple in addition to was much lighter than I was looking for, I too wanted it to travel higher (or wider when on its side). The blank at the dorsum is corporation Lignum Vitae, it doesn't larn much heavier than this!

Here is closed upwards of the blank showing the colouring alter when the lighter coloured surface is protected from the sunlight.

Here are the components of the bird laid for gum up. Polyeurathane gum is the exclusively real choice with this extremely oily wood. I finished in addition to waxed the interior of the bird in addition to then that the foaming mash out would easily popular off.

The finished kind is a piddling odd but I did a lot of experimenting earlier settling on this. It maximises the width on its side which too adds to the weight for momentum. The cutting out allows total access to the blade for adjusting equally good equally providing a comfortable in addition to natural mitt hold.

the Lignum came upwards really nicely in addition to y'all tin flaming encounter this slice is strike on quarter sawn which volition forbid the base of operations from cupping.

In role it worked similar a dream amongst the immense density taking all I could throw at it.
By the agency the bench inwards the background is non a radical novel design, merely my demonstrating bench awaiting laoding for the European Woodworking demonstrate at the weekend.

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