For You Lot Monster Moulding Plane!

I've never seen anything similar this before. It is a cornice bird made yesteryear Philipson roughly 1750 in addition to it's a valuable thing. Although made inward England it would nearly sure enough lead keep been made for the United States of America marketplace every bit all the English linguistic communication cornices were made of plaster in addition to non wood.

Here is the profile of the blade which must live iv to 5" wide.

Amazingly the bird is even then inward working order, the possessor Richard Arnold is the i doing the pushing in addition to Richard Maguire is pulling, this is definitely a ii homo job. Richard believes they would lead keep relieved some of the profile starting fourth dimension alongside smaller moulding planes leaving the monster to build clean upwards the overall profile.

The wonderful brownish oak bench mentioned inward my previous post service tin live seen inward the background, my apologies for non having taken a meliorate shot, perhaps meliorate shots volition plough upwards on the Maguire blog which is good worth looking at.

Here is the finished softwood profile which was remarkably crisp in addition to even. Richard (Arnold) in addition to his married adult woman freely gave up their weekend to convey a fine pick of antique planes for the benefit of the present goers. Although he had strong contest from Veritas in addition to Lie Nielsen also every bit my ain stand, I intend the prize for the biggest pile of shavings at the end of the present had to become to Richard........ in addition to all done alongside 200 twelvemonth onetime planes!

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