For Y'all Walnut Wall Cabinet

The wall cabinet started final calendar week is finished together with I'm really pleased amongst it.

The walnut is only fantastic together with reminds me of chocolate being poured. But it was a squealer to work, the grain kept reversing together with trigger-happy out together with fifty-fifty my scraper bird didn't move equally the woods was equally good soft. My random reach sanders earned their keep! I finished it amongst shellac to concord upward the background colour, crude would accept made the woods equally good dark.

The door panels were carefully mass matched to plough over the slice balance. For stability the panels were veneered, these were cutting on my band saw to a thickness of nigh 1mm. Both doors were shot (on my shooting board) to fit at both ends, they also had to endure a perfect fit at the middle which all took care.

The dorsum panel was also veneered together with mass matched to stand upward for to the door panels.
The routed door pulls were nerve racking to create amongst the doors existence lowered onto a coving fighting on the router tabular array together with and then moved betwixt two pre-set stops. All went good although at that spot was more tear-out which needed patient manus sanding.

The customer had peculiarly requested dovetails equally a characteristic of this piece, although inwards practise the dark lines together with swirling grain prevented them from standing out. They were nonetheless totally necessary from a strength point of persuasion equally the cabinet volition endure hung amongst a hidden French cleat.
An article amongst dimensions together with total structure details volition endure appearing inwards Furniture together with Cabinetmaking journal inwards the coming months.

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