For You Lot Lining Boxes Amongst Andrew Crawford

 Last calendar week I spent 2 really enjoyable in addition to informative days amongst the famous box maker Andrew Crawford. I wanted to acquire his techniques for plumbing fixtures in addition to lining box interiors. Here I am using his mini vacuum attachment for cleaning up.

Andrew is shown hither cutting a 2mm piece of foam through the band saw, yep yous tin mail away practice that!! The blade was a fresh vi tpi 1 in addition to the foam was pushed through against a high debate amongst a sand newspaper backed board of mdf.

Here he is cutting slots on the inter connecting pieces amongst a 4mm router fleck on the spindle moulder, yep yous tin mail away practice that every bit well! Note the pieces are existence cutting laying downwards which gives curved cease to the slot in addition to puts less pressure level on the cutter. The spindle tabular array was shrouded past times a tight plumbing fixtures jig incorporating a built inwards stop.

Here is his gear upwardly for sanding 45 plane mitres too every bit trimming to ninety degrees. The jig has a claw to register it square. The sander was a monster in addition to amongst no brake takes 45 minutes to halt in 1 lawsuit sum speed has built up.

This is 1 of his fantastic boxes, if you're interested at that topographic point volition survive really petty alter from £5,000.

For those of yous familiar amongst Andrews magazine articles you'll know his is a bully advocate of sanding machine in addition to jigs rather than relying on planes. When I turned circular in addition to caught him squaring upwardly roughly stock on a shooting board amongst my jointer bird I simply had to popular off a shot!

This is 1 of the trays nosotros fitted in addition to lined amongst bottle dark-green hog sued.

Here is a really neatly fitted telephone rung, something I stimulate got ever struggled with, but non whatever more. Below is a serial of steps to stimulate got multiple trays on 1 of my larger jewellery boxes. This was lined inwards dark to alternative upwardly on the spalted maple panel.

This box was lined inwards majestic bluish in addition to the Victory oak box below was done inwards a dainty muted burgundy.

I had been looking forrard to this view for a petty acre in addition to it certainly didn't disappoint. I tin mail away encounter why his curt courses popular off booked upwardly in addition to then quickly.

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