For Y'all Workshop Re Organisation

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation I've been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for teaching. The benches are both ones I role to demonstarte at shows as well as they were taking upwards valuable room inward the woods store adjacent door. The photograph inward a higher identify shows my 'make up' tabular array which I've moved across to role equally my sanding / grinding station.The shot below shows how it was before, the crappy erstwhile stand upwards has gone to the dump!

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation
This is my brand upwards tabular array earlier the move, the broad pinnacle yous tin flaming meet has been reduced inward width to friction match inward its novel home.

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation
The bench below is right away doubling equally my novel brand upwards table. This hasn't been out for a spell equally its a chip heavy to conduct keep to shows, I overdid things when I made it!

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation

Below is my erstwhile sharpening station, this also has gone to the dump.

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation
It has been replaced amongst my electrical current mobile bench, which is my best blueprint yet, although I over compensated on the size of the pinnacle which is a chip short. I tin flaming experience to a greater extent than or less other bench making projection coming!

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation
Just for skillful stair out hither is a shot of the bench I role inward the workshop, it is definately non portable!

You may detect that all of the benches conduct keep a leg vice fitted. The pinnacle ane is a metallic ane past times Veritas, the ane inward a higher identify is a large wooden ane which I made myself (my favourite), as well as the ane below is a really sweetness running version past times Benchcrafted.

ve been rearranging my workshop to add together inward 2 to a greater extent than workbenches inward training for didactics For You Workshop re organisation

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